I love to make lists. I have one of all the healthy foods and habits I keep trying to adopt but just can’t push myself to enjoy willingly:
Yogurt (and I’ve tried every kind, so don’t suggest that Greek yogurt could be a game-changer)
Being a morning person
I've come to peace with most of these items, hoping other good habits will keep me healthy. But there’s something I just can’t let go about trying to be a morning person. I’m what my husband calls a bad roommate - a perpetual idealist setting my alarm far too early and hitting the snooze button far too many times. Somehow I always tell myself “this time will be different,” yet I know deep down that I’m a night owl at heart.
Yet despite my aversion to morning hours, I still put one early morning item on my Paris bucket list. I got it in my head that I needed to see the Eiffel Tower at sunrise, if only just once. To convince myself to make this wish become reality, I looked back at this absolutely stunning picture Edna took (see first photo) and was reminded that certainly this was worth crawling out of bed for in the dark hours of morning.
Quiet morning before the rest of Paris awakes
One Saturday morning I convinced Michael to trek across town with me to see sunrise at Trocadéro. Michael’s also a bit morning-adverse so it’s a miracle we managed to get up and out at such an hour. Especially the whole leaving-without-coffee part!
Though the minute we left our apartment, I was reminded that France is my kind of country. The streets hadn’t awaken yet and a peaceful rest filled the city. I imaged everyone sleeping off a multiple-course dinner and some wine, valuing getting rest over the pressure to be on-the-go at all hours. It is reassuring that when I do sleep in a little, I haven’t missed a beat.
Unfortunately, there still was a hideous wooden fence blocking off a significant portion of the viewing platform. And Mother Nature didn’t get the memo that I was actually getting up early just for her, and the colors of this sunrise weren’t quite as vibrant as I had hoped. So I might keep this item uncrossed on the bucket list and muster up more willpower to set out another morning. But nonetheless, it is a special moment to feel like you have the whole city of Paris just to yourself, not having to share with any other tourists.
A look behind the Warsaw fountains with its 20 powerful water cannons at rest
Grab a cement block - let's watch the sunrise together
If you’re able to swing an early morning, head over to Trocadéro for the most private moment you’ll ever have at the Eiffel Tower. Or just walk around in the city to get the experience of having Paris to yourself. And then follow in my footsteps and head to a boulangerie to buy two pastries...because being awake for so many hours requires breakfast, and a second breakfast!
The Palais de Chaillot lit up by the first rays of sunlight
Seriously, do you have any tips to help me be more of a morning person? I’d love to hear them!! Or any other spots to catch a brilliant sunrise as that gets me out of bed as well...